Friday 9 December 2011

Fried chops bhuna

Serves 6-8


2 onions
5 green chillies
3 small peppers
2 bay leafs
3 small pieces of cinnamon sticks
5 green cardamons
frozen cubed and minced ginger garlic
12 pieces of mutton chops
2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
fresh coriander leaves

To prepare your curry

Peel and roughly chop your onions and slice the
green chillies in half put into a large deep pan along with the bayleafs, cinnamon sticks and cardamon. Cut the pepper into medium size squares. Chop the fresh coriander and leave them both to one side. Take the chops and coat in 1/2 tsp of turmeric. Take oil and fry the chops in a seperate pan on medium heat. Once fried on both sides put them to one side.

To cook your chop bhuna

Take the large pan of onions, garlic ginger cubes, dry spices and green chillies. Add 6 tbsp of oil and 1 1/2 tsp of salt. Put on a high heat and let the onions brown and caramalise. Add the turmeric, chilli powder, coriander powder and cumin power. Stir well to coat everything with the onion paste. Add 1/2 cup of water and simmer dont let the paste burn or dry out too much. Take the chops and add to the curry paste and stir. Leave on a low heat for 20min, stir occasionally. When the meat is tender and cooked put the heat up and add the peppers and stir. Taste for seasoning and sprinkle with fresh coriander and your done.

To serve your chop bhuna

Serve with fluffy basmati rice, sprinkle over corriander leaves and serve with some lime wedges. Dont forget a little salad or pickle of your choice.

Tengra fish with jackfruit seed

Tengra fish
Serves 4-6

1 small onion
Cooking oil
4 green chillies
2 tsp of chilli powder
1 tsp of turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Tengra fish (1 block)
1 packet of jackfruit seed
Jack fruit seed
Fresh Coriander leaves

To prepare your curry
Chop the onion thinly. Slice the green chillie in half. Defrost the tengra fish block in a bowl of warm water. Cut the heads off the fish and wash. Boil the jackfruit seeds until they are soft. Chop the coriander leaves and put to one side.

To make your curry

Put a small pan on a high heat and add 2 tbsp of oil. Add the onion, salt, green chilli and cook for 10min until softened and golden add a little water if needed. Bring the heat down and add the spices. Stir well to coat the onions and add 1 cup of water. Let it simmer then add the jack fruit seed. Bring it all to the boil on high heat. Bring down the heat and add the tengra fish. Then add enough water to just cover the fish. On a high heat let it all come to the boil and them simmer for 3min.

To serve your curry

This will be fantastic served with white fluffy rice and a lemon or lime wedge. Sprinkle over with fresh coriander and enjoy.

Monday 5 December 2011

Potato Chutney


3 medium size potatoes
1/2 red onion
Fresh coriander leaves
Dry red chilli flakes
Clarified butter (ghee)
1tsp salt


To prepare and cook the chutney
Place the potatoes in the microwave and cook for about 15min or until they are soft and keep to one side. Thinly slice the red onion and put in a bowl together with chopped  fresh coriander leaves, 2tsp dry red chilli flakes and salt.
Once the potatoes have cooled peel them and mash, then add 2tsp of clarified butter and mix in well.

Put all the ingredients together and mix well. Check for seasoning and serve with rice or in a sandwich.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Extra Hot Egg Bhuna

serves 4

1onion chopped
5 green chillies halved
2 large chilli peppers sliced in circles
6 small eggs full boiled
3 tbs oil
1 tsp salt
Fresh coriander leaves
Turmeric powder
Extra hot chilli powder
1 bay leaf
1/2 tomato


To prepare your egg bhuna

Take the boiled eggs and add to a pan of oil (3tsp) and turmeric powder (1/4 tsp) on a high heat fry the eggs, swirl around the pan so it is evenly browned.

To cook your egg bhuna

In a pan take the onions, green chilies, oil, salt and bay leaf and brown, once browned add the turmeric powder, chilli powder, tomatoes and stir well for 2min if its too dry then add a little water but keep the onion base dry not too watery as its a bhuna dish. once the tomatoes have softened add the chilli peppers and stir for another 2min or until the chillies are just cooked.

To serve your egg bhuna

Finally add the fried eggs to the masala and stir for 1min on a high heat, bring the heat down and garnish with coriander leaves and its ready to serve with rice or naan bread. 

Saturday 3 December 2011

Cauliflower and Ayre fish curry

Serves 4

1 1\2 onions
4 green chillies
Half of 1 large cauliflower or one small
Ayre fish (6-8 pieces)
Chilli powder
Turmeric powder
Coriander powder
Fresh coriander leaves


To prepare your curry

Chop the onions and slit the green chillies in half, then separate the cauliflower florettes and keep aside. take the ayre fish steaks and cut the large pieces in half to make a good portion size. you can buy ayre fish from Bangladeshi stores frozen in blocks or whole which the fish monger can cut to desired size for you.

To make your curry

Take the onions and chillies and put into a cooking pot to that add 4 tbs of oil, 1 1/2tsp of salt. stir on a high heat, once the onions have browned add 1 cup of water and leave it to simmer on a low heat and let the water evaporate and caramalise the onions until soft and paste like.

To the onions add 1tsp of turmeric powder, 1tsp coriander powder, and 2tsp of chillie powder (or according to your taste). keep on a high heat and stir until all the spices have blended well but don't let the masala burn. Straight away add 1 cup of water, stir and add the cauliflower. Mix everything well so the cauliflower is coated and then add water just enough to cover the cauliflower and bring it all to the boil. once boiling put the heat down and let it simmer until the cauliflower is cooked.

Once the cauliflower is cooked add the ayre fish and add water to level with the fish but not too much. Bring everything to the boil and then let it simmer for 5-7 min remember fish cooks very quickly. Then check the seasoning  (add if needed).

To serve your curry

To finish garnish the curry with fresh coriander leaves and its ready to serve with fluffly rice. 
Enjoy! MMMmmmmmmmmmm...........