Saturday 3 December 2011

Cauliflower and Ayre fish curry

Serves 4

1 1\2 onions
4 green chillies
Half of 1 large cauliflower or one small
Ayre fish (6-8 pieces)
Chilli powder
Turmeric powder
Coriander powder
Fresh coriander leaves


To prepare your curry

Chop the onions and slit the green chillies in half, then separate the cauliflower florettes and keep aside. take the ayre fish steaks and cut the large pieces in half to make a good portion size. you can buy ayre fish from Bangladeshi stores frozen in blocks or whole which the fish monger can cut to desired size for you.

To make your curry

Take the onions and chillies and put into a cooking pot to that add 4 tbs of oil, 1 1/2tsp of salt. stir on a high heat, once the onions have browned add 1 cup of water and leave it to simmer on a low heat and let the water evaporate and caramalise the onions until soft and paste like.

To the onions add 1tsp of turmeric powder, 1tsp coriander powder, and 2tsp of chillie powder (or according to your taste). keep on a high heat and stir until all the spices have blended well but don't let the masala burn. Straight away add 1 cup of water, stir and add the cauliflower. Mix everything well so the cauliflower is coated and then add water just enough to cover the cauliflower and bring it all to the boil. once boiling put the heat down and let it simmer until the cauliflower is cooked.

Once the cauliflower is cooked add the ayre fish and add water to level with the fish but not too much. Bring everything to the boil and then let it simmer for 5-7 min remember fish cooks very quickly. Then check the seasoning  (add if needed).

To serve your curry

To finish garnish the curry with fresh coriander leaves and its ready to serve with fluffly rice. 
Enjoy! MMMmmmmmmmmmm...........


  1. made this today. turned out well.

  2. Don't you add any fresh garlic?

  3. Hi i left my cooking site but just saw your comment I'm glad you tried this out. Thank you
