Friday 9 December 2011

Tengra fish with jackfruit seed

Tengra fish
Serves 4-6

1 small onion
Cooking oil
4 green chillies
2 tsp of chilli powder
1 tsp of turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Tengra fish (1 block)
1 packet of jackfruit seed
Jack fruit seed
Fresh Coriander leaves

To prepare your curry
Chop the onion thinly. Slice the green chillie in half. Defrost the tengra fish block in a bowl of warm water. Cut the heads off the fish and wash. Boil the jackfruit seeds until they are soft. Chop the coriander leaves and put to one side.

To make your curry

Put a small pan on a high heat and add 2 tbsp of oil. Add the onion, salt, green chilli and cook for 10min until softened and golden add a little water if needed. Bring the heat down and add the spices. Stir well to coat the onions and add 1 cup of water. Let it simmer then add the jack fruit seed. Bring it all to the boil on high heat. Bring down the heat and add the tengra fish. Then add enough water to just cover the fish. On a high heat let it all come to the boil and them simmer for 3min.

To serve your curry

This will be fantastic served with white fluffy rice and a lemon or lime wedge. Sprinkle over with fresh coriander and enjoy.

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